Wednesday, June 18, 2008

MONO can suck a dick

That's right, now i finally can lay at peace with what the fucks been wrong with me for the last couple weeks, i have mono, the infamous virus that has plagued my body with severe pain, lethargy, and exaggerated fatigue . . . not to mention my right swollen tonsel that feels like a fuckin' ulcer in my throat (i know that pain, a few years back i had a full-blown ulcer in my esophogus!) So, i will try to keep posting even though i feel like hibernating in my crawl space for the next month. Last year i got SHINGLES, this year its mono . . . can't wait for summer of 09!!
On a positive tip:

"Anthony Bolin, 5 years old, five months after being shot in his living
room. The doctor said that he would be fine, but his grandmother noticed
a change in his attitude. "He's become tougher, like a teenager,"
she said. It struck me that kids aren't allowed to be kids anymore.
Watts, 1992."

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