Monday, March 9, 2009



KORESH's wounds are said to be healing well. The FBI delivers six gallons of milk to the compound. SMERICK-YOUNG memo says strong show of force will play into KORESH's hands. GERSON passes his Waco portfolio on to Webster HUBBELL, an acting associate attorney general, who is briefed by the FBI. (Exact day is uncertain.) [Scruggs 60, 182, 240]

A videotape of the children in the compound is sent out by the Davidians. The negotiators' log shows that, when the tape is reviewed, there is concern that if the tape is released to the media, KORESH would gain much sympathy. [Dennis 11]


At 2:15 a.m., the electricity to the compound is cut off. KORESH says he will not talk further until power is restored, and it is restored. SCHNEIDER expresses outrage over the movement of armored vehicles around the compound. HRT members see weapons in the windows, and firing ports being cut in plywood placed in the windows. SMERICK-YOUNG memo recommends various tactical measures. [Scruggs 60, 61, 183]

On several occasions, tactical pressure is exerted on the Davidians either without consulting the negotiators or over the negotiators' objections. [Dennis 43]

--I left this out from March 7th, following it is a transcript of March 8th events--
TRANSCRIPT: Book of Revelation Discussion

Excerpt from conversation between Branch Davidian leader, David Koresh, and an FBI negotiator (John #4) discussing the Book of Revelation.

March 7, 1993
Early evening

DAVID KORESH: Is this death and hell a person? What is Christ revealed as, according to the fourth seal?

FBI NEGOTIATOR (JOHN): Pale -- a rider on a pale horse.

DAVID KORESH: And his name is what?


DAVID KORESH: Now, do you know what the name Koresh means?

JOHN: Go ahead.

DAVID KORESH: It means death. You see, the name of God is Yahweh, but the way it's actually pronounced since the first punctuation of time from the ancient writers, is when it says in the Tenach, thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, it means thou shall not take his name. His name is Yahweh. And the way it's pronounced is like this. (Breathing in and out). Every time you breathe you're saying the name of God. That's why in Judaism and stuff they never, they never pronounce it according to the word from Yahweh. You fix it --

JOHN: Um-hum.

DAVID KORESH: Okay. So everyone who breathes is taking God's name and if we live without knowing his testimony or his word, we're living in vanity. And we're taking his name in vain. Some people say, well, when I say goddam, that's taking the Lord's name in vain, Well, now, wait a minute. Let's break this down. Does God condemn -- damn means to condemn. Well, no one has the right to tell God to condemn anybody, do they? Do they?


DAVID KORESH: No. But God or Got (phonetic sp.), the German word GOT, you know, is another word from another country, you know. There's no such word in the Hebrew, God. There's the word, the Adonai, which means Lord, but the actual proper names of, of the sovereignty of Heaven is Yahweh, El Shaddai, and then what? That's it. Off the manuscript. Yahweh and El Shaddai. But, according to the prophecies, God proclaims to Deuteronomy that he will publish his name somewhere.

So when it talks about Koresh, it's a surname. A surname for God. Now, you get the concordances and the dictionaries out and you'll find out that they'll tell you it's from an unused root word that they don't know what the meaning is. No scholar, no teacher, no concordance in this whole world can tell you what the name Koresh means. They don't know. It's kind of weird, isn't it?

JOHN: No, but you've told me it means death.

DAVID KORESH: Wait a second.

JOHN: Right?

DAVID KORESH: Revelation says Christ has a name that no one knows but he, himself. And his name is the word of God. Okay. Now, if it's true that the proper name of God is Yahweh, which is (Breathing in and out). When you breathe you go Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh. Okay? What do you do when you die? What's the sound your body makes when you die?

JOHN: It doesn't make any sound when you die.

DAVID KORESH: Yes it does.

JOHN: No it doesn't.

DAVID KORESH: Yes it does. You don't know what you're talking about.

JOHN: Your last dying breath? Is that what you want?

DAVID KORESH: Yeah. What does your body do?

JOHN: Rattle.

TRANSCRIPT: Milk Negotiation
Excerpt from conversation between David Koresh, and Sheriff Jack Harwell discussing getting milk for the children.
March 8, 1993 Afternoon

SHERIFF JACK HARWELL : David about those babies on this milk--

DAVID KORESH: But those are our children.

SHERIFF HARWELL: --that concerns me. Why have--I'm, I'm concerned about those babies. I want those babies taken care of. Now, if you need some milk--

DAVID KORESH: Do you know what they're saying now?

SHERIFF HARWELL: --out there I'll see what I can do about getting that milk out there to you because I want those babies taken care of.

DAVID KORESH: Well, here's the thing, Mr. Harwell. What they're saying now is after we've already sent three more kids out, then they're telling us that they want four more kids before they send us the milk.

SHERIFF HARWELL: Well, would that help to, to get the milk out there to you? Would that--

DAVID KORESH: It'll definitely help the babies.

SHERIFF HARWELL: All right. All right. That's good. Would it help us--

DAVID KORESH: And I told them I would send some pictures of the remaining children and the mothers.

SHERIFF HARWELL: If I get that out there to you would that help your, your knowing that I'll do what I tell you? I've, I've not talked to these people here but I will see that that's there, I'll see that it's delivered to you, and--

DAVID KORESH: Well, yeah, I mean we--like we told them, in the position we're in I've been talking to all the guys and stuff here, I said, look, in our profession of faith we know what we believe and we believe what we know. I says now it's between God and them. Now, God's told me to wait, you know, and I'm waiting, I says, but, you know, we have to realize that whatever comes to us after this point is all in the hands of God and there's not a --


DAVID KORESH: --nation or power that's going to overrule what God wants.

SHERIFF HARWELL: Well, if I get-- how much milk do you need, David?

DAVID KORESH: Well, we, we told them, we told them we needed six gallons because I have--

SHERIFF HARWELL: All right. If I get you six -- I'm, I'm going to see that you get --

DAVID KORESH: -- I have --

SHERIFF HARWELL: -- six gallons of milk brought out, but I'm not going to let those babies suffer because of --

DAVID KORESH: There's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen -- there are sixteen kids here that still drink milk.

SHERIFF HARWELL: Well, do you think six gallons is enough?

DAVID KORESH: Well, yeah, I mean, we, we figure --

SHERIFF HARWELL: All right. I'll, I'll see that you get the six gallons of milk. If -- I'll need to get them and work that out. Now, I'm not going to be able to sit here with you David and work all the terms. What I wanted to do to you -- I say with you is to sit here and talk from my heart to you and let you know that we --

DAVID KORESH: Well, I appreciate it and we love you all.

SHERIFF HARWELL: -- we're concerned about you all and we, we care for you. We love you and those babies I just -- it just makes my heart swell up to see those kids come out and how well they've been taken care of and, and all this.

DAVID KORESH: And, and --

SHERIFF HARWELL: And they're being taken care of now. Now, I can't answer -- I wasn't involved in how they were going to be -- I know they're in good care now but I wasn't involved and wasn't aware that --


SHERIFF HARWELL: -- they were supposed to be turned over to parents and grandparents or what that process was. I've been involved in other things, David, trying to keep --

DAVID KORESH: Yeah, I understand.

SHERIFF HARWELL: -- some level head about all this so that we can resolve this thing. You don't know how deeply I mean it when I say I want you all out without your being hurt.

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