Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cardigan Craze of 09

Seriously, Cardigans are no longer being rocked by Kanye West and hipsters (who wear extra-small sizes) anymore, there is a significant CARDIGAN CRAZE taking place! I'm noticing many more clothing lines aside from the overrated and overpriced WESC are releasing these treats to feast on. Crooks and Castles, Orisue, Obey, Perks & Mini, LRG, etc etc are on the cardigan bandwagon...don't get me wrong, i'm feeling a few, but not for prices that start @ $70 and work their way up toward $200.
These companies remind me of what was taking place almost 2 years ago when plaid/flannel hit the fan and every fashion label boosted design after design, color after color like junkies, in order to prey upon the public's desire to pay large amounts of cash for trends.
It's still in effect, especially in Portland and Seattle, but both these cities have been swapping these wool threads since before the dawn of grunge...Portland was a lumberjack-infested city back in the day! The northwest = flannel!
As a consumer, i try my best not to fumble into this category of trends although, which is why i only own ONE cardigan that cost me $7. Besides, i can't afford to stay up on every fashion trend or care to for that matter.
My flannel collection however has notably increased...and will continue despite any fluctuations on the plaid scene. I've been wearing red and black Pendaltons since age 15. 13 years later, and i'm still wearing that exact one!
Anyway, go buy cardigans, i can't afford them, so i buy flannels and squeeze them onto my coat rack which displays; greens, teals, reds, greys, blues, blacks, blah blah blah.

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