Monday, March 10, 2008

The Anniversary of the War on Iraq

This Saturday marks the 5th Anniversary of the War on Iraq. Yes folks, 5 whole years, and any progress? Sadaam is dead, Bin Laden is tucked away under the Government's red/white/blue blanket, about 100,000 innocent Iraqi civillians are dead, and an estimated amount of 4,000 American Troops are dead. That's quite alot of deaths for an unjust, shameful, decietful, un-constitutional War waged on Iraq. I recommend you do your homework on this war and seek the truth, because this vital ethic actually has the abitlity to unite more people than a staged terrorist attatck and an irrational invasion! If the American public were informed of the god-honest-truth, i honestly wonder how many would be in favor of such an atrocity by the United States!! I do wonder....
This Saturday, expect to hear, read, or watch signigicant anti-war/pro-peace demonstrations and events all over this nation in every major city. I'll be here in Portland supporting the cause and marching for peace. 5-fuckin-years! If you're really patriotic, then you'll take a stand against the war and the murder of Iraqi civillians and US troops.

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