Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New York Times Journalist held by Taliban!

Have you read the NYTimes yet!!??
David Rohde, a New York Times journalist was scheduled to interview a Taliban leader when in route, he was kidnapped by another Taliban faction and held for over 7 months.
As a result of his capture and escape, he wrote a series of in-depth articles covering his terrorful ordeal with the group.
I discovered this captivating article in this past Sunday's edition. The 5-part series will be running daily in the NYTimes all week. I highly recommend you read it via ONLINE or PRINT (just buy a copy each day and support a dying medium!)It is a mere two bucks!
That being said, here is a direct link to STORY 1- Held by the Taliban: A Times Reporter's Account.
Indulge --here-- NOW!

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