Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Kevin Dubrow of Quiet Riot died of a cocaine overdose

I just found out today. He died a few weeks back, but his autopsy results just confirmed the dude was goin' a little too hard on the yello and keeled over. Quiet Riot was straight-buttrock of the 80s. They even went on tours for the past decade all over, including Jimmy Sleaze in the EVT. The band was huge in the 80s, but like all buttrock, it comes to a halt sooner or later. The only song i ever remember is Cum On Feel the Noize, and it respectively blows, however, people love to kareoke it! RIP Dubrow.
Nonetheless, I've always appreciated their album covers:

Pretty fresh!! Some might say, "That'd be a sick shirt"....well Brooklyn Projects agrees!!
Get it for cheap wit' my Rep-Code:JL10745

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My brother had a quiet riot poster in his room when we were kids. That shit scared me, dude!