Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Urban Dictionary

The Urban Dictionary defines Stay Gold as:
1. -Stay young and notice the world.

"Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold."

2. -Comes from the Robert Frost poem, "Nothing gold can stay." Often can refer to staying true to yourself and your own character.
-More literal meanings can be to stay where you are, in whatever figurative meaning (ie: relationship, city, state, country) you can conjure up.

"Stay gold, Ponyboy."

3. -Being true to yourself, innocent, uncorrupted, unblemished etc.
-Not conforming to what society dictates, but in a sense marching to the beat of your own drummer.

Johnny: "Your gold when your a kid. When your a kid, everythings new. Like dawn, the way you dig sunsets, Ponyboy, that's gold. Keep it that way, its a good way to be."

4. -Employs a variety of meanings, all of which gravitate around themes of maintaining self, integrity, and youth. Used extensively in the straight edge doctrine of pure living to mean "stay free of drugs, alcohol, and other vices."

"Stay--stay gold. Stay--true to yourself, to your friends, and never let go."

5. -Stay true and pure, have integrity. Remember who you are and don't change it. Be yourself.

*hmmmmmmmmmmmm, shit is lining up for that TATT!

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