Tuesday, September 30, 2008

People and their rants!

I found some interesting (to say the least) rants posted over the web either on discussion boards, group forums, threads, etc. Enjoy the reality of them:

1) These pig's went there for one thing to cause trouble.Thier night out will cost about $60,000 E.R.,doctor's ,med,hospital room follow up care. Plus we know we have to take care of these scumbags kid's and there 13 year old mother's that should be another 40,000 per year. It looks like to me the taxpayer's will have to come up with about $70,000 for each meathead that got hurt that night. When they get back to the hood and show off there badge of courage I hope they think of us the fine Tax payer's of Norhtern Mexico,Sorry that's racist I mean Southern California and there friend Morales who is eating the dirt he's under.Urban terror is getting out of controll. America is an easy place to live go to work pay your bills and obey the laws pretty simple concept.I guess these meatheads will never get it.

2) Those guys makeing fun of the mentaly ill and drug addicts is so sad what is this world comeing too.

3) I have a better idea. Why not recruit all these gang bangers & ship them off to Iran & Afghanistan & let them "have at it".

4) I know longer give overt Evangelical White Christians the time of day. And I am as white as a new Hanes t-shirt. The minute someone even mentions their Xman faith or I see a fish bumper sticker, a wall goes up within me that I couldn't bring down with a bulldozer. I try not to display animosity toward them but I do steer clear of these folks.

5) people need to quit thinkin vegas is just gambling and shit and realize wut it's really like in tha neighborhoods - $in City 702 4 life

6) I make random comments cause I'm so beautiful and beautiful and you want to see me wet in the shower!

7) sonofneglect, You "own" me? LOL Son, all you got is a computer posting board to talk the talk, but in the end, your nothing but a typical satanic loser who cant face the facts. You avoid everything I say because your a coward. You dont own anything, but are owned by satanists who have tricked you into believing that they are your friends. lol If you ever grow some hair on those sacs, maybe then you will read what others have to say. Truth hurts, but not that much son.

8) First, he destroys the film character of Dirk Pitt (my favorite book cahracter). Next he is going to destroy Magnum (my favorite tv character). i swear if they do a movie about Jimmy Buffett and Matthew plays his part i will move to a country where they dont have movies. why are you doing this to me matthew? please just continue to make the really crappy romantic comedys with the same plot and leave me out of your evil ways.

9) let me tell you something, Satan is not someone you're going to be sharing a beer with when you die. He fucking HATES you, wants you to feel pain forever, and thinks Gaahl is a fool. Chew on that.

AND last but not least,

10) How many Americans does it take to screw in a lightbulb.
Three; one to screw it in, one to declare it an FTO, and one to go bomb Iraq.
Seriously, Saddam was a nutjob but this time his hand are clean

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