That sometime within this year the United States Government:
>Invades Iran and possibly Syria starting a war with them,
>Undergoes another 9/11-like-attack by "outside-terrorists",
>Becomes the North American Union with Mexico and Canada,
>Strips the remaining Civil Liberties we have left,
>Engages Martial Law due to a "significant terrorist attack",
>Begins an intense process of micro-chipping American Citizens,
>Doesn't allow the 08 Presidential Elections to take place,
>Disbands the Constitution.....
*just imagine, imagine one debacle after's been happening since i was born! Make yourself aware and informed now!! Seek the truth and dig for factual sources, i'm not a fuckin' hermit-conspiracy-theorist....that's like saying everybody involved in Religion is completely WRONG, and that's not the case. These issues are REAL...REAL, find out for yourself and don't say i never warned ya!
-in Guns we trust